Philippino potato farmers satisfied with performance of Canadian varieties – Potato News Today

Potato farmers in northern Benguet in the Phillipines are expected to plant more potato varieties imported as seed from Canada’s Prince Edward Island after completing a successful season during their first trial with these varieties.

According to a press release issued by the Philippine News Agency (PNA), the Department of Agriculture–Cordillera Administrative Region (DA-CAR), says in a July 1 report that trials with the new potato varieties proved very successful.

The report says the initial trial did not only show that the imported varieties can thrive in the Cordillera, but yields were also higher than potato varieties traditionally grown in Benguet by potato farmers.

Under the Potato Industry Development Program of the DA-CAR and the High-Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) in partnership with the Prince Edward Island Potato Board and the Canadian Embassy, eight new potato varieties that have potential of thriving in the Cordillera highlands were introduced to farmers and trialed.

HVCDP coordinator Joan Bacbac said the varieties would be planted in a second trial later this year. The farmers will do further research on the characteristics of the imported varieties to assure a definite result before they are propagated and distributed for production.

DA-CAR Regional Executive Director Cameron Odsey on Monday said the project “would be an avenue for the farmers to select varieties that would be appropriate to reproduce.”

Source: Press release by the Philippine News Agency
Photo: Farmers from Natubleng, Buguias join the Department of Agriculture–Cordillera OIC regional executive director Cameron Odsey (seated, 3rd, left) when harvesting the Canadian potato varieties during the first trial. (Photo courtesy of DA-Cordillera)

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